23 April, 2005


last Sunday was a sad day in the life and Taiwan times of thejayfather. my good friends Mike and Chris Cammock left the country for greener pastures, in this case for Mike to continue study in his native New Zealand. they had been here for just over a year when they left, and were an invaluable source of information for such neophytes as myself. it helped that Mike had served his two-year LDS mission in the country, down in Kaohsiung, and so speaks the language, but far from being simply tour guides, they quickly became good friends. too good for some, maybe: Mike and i share the same penchant for debate and argumentation, so much so that Chris once remarked, only half in jest i suspect, "you guys are the same person."

a rare view inside the velvet ropes at the last hurrah of the nigge dongshi club

to my alter ego, and to his wife, you're missed already and thejayfather looks forward to seeing you again.

xie xie xie.

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